This movie is incredibly funny! It makes me want to watch it even after christmas. The storyline flows well and it's one of the funniest movies I've watched! It's all about an Elf called Buddy who lives in the north pole. One day he overhears two elfs say that he is actually a human! So with that, he ventures off in search of his dad, who lives in NYC. Along the way, he gets into lots of mischief like eating gum off the streets, nearly getting himself run over and much more! Eventually, his dad agrees for Buddy to live with him and his family. This means that Buddy has to come to work with his dad.... and this means trouble! He manages to cause havoc in the mail room and worst of all, insult Myles Finch (an author that agreed to help the company Buddy's dad works for) by calling him an elf! In the end, Santa arrives in central park but with a brocken sleigh engine! Buddy and his family manage to get the sleigh flying through the magic of Christmas spirit! This Christmas classic will always make you feel warm and fuzzy so when Christmas comes around... crack open the popcorn and get comfy!! πββ