The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender (2010)

The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.

Directors: M. Night Shyamalan

Cast: Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Dev Patel, Jackson Rathbone, and Shaun Toub

Release Date: July 1, 2010

47 Movie Reviews
  • bob Jane over 10 years
    It is so good
    • bign
      bignalmost 11 years
      so action packed
      • ikyra_marie
        ikyra_marieabout 11 years
        not my thing :/
        • pikachu334
          pikachu334about 11 years22 popcorn
          Not bad but there's to much affects....
          • aiyush
            aiyushabout 11 years
            • sushipuppy
              sushipuppyabout 11 years11 popcornFeatured
              This movie was pretty different compared to the show. I also wanted to say, I being Asian, can understand why the movie pronounced it Oong, instead of Aang. It probably would make more sense to say Oong, but Aang is what watchers are used to.I think Aang would be easier to say for the actors, as Oong may sound odd to the audience. All in all, the show was better in detail and plot. Zuko...errr...his actor may have not been bad, but he did not look the part. If you are a fan looking forward to the movie, I suggest don't have your hopes up. It does not capture the characters in the right way, but I understand many people enjoyed the movie and show. That's fine, but this is just my opinion.
              • zutara1143
                zutara1143about 11 years55 popcorn
                I've watched this movie, but I recommend the Nickelodeon Avatar The Last Airbender Go Zutara!!!!!
                • redheadperson22
                  redheadperson22about 11 years11 popcorn
                  Compared to the TV show, this was terrible. Sokka was too serious, Kataria was... I don't even remember her, and they said Aang's name completely WRONG. Aang was also too serious. I don't think any of the cast were Asian... I get why someone who hasn't seen the TV show might like this movie, but I'm pretty sure that all of the fans (like myself) were disappointed in this movie. I hope they make a second one just so they can undo all the damage they've done (and so they can introduce Toph).
                • rb
                  rbabout 11 years
                  The movie is great, it's just that I have been waiting for YEARS for the sequel. And they pronounce it Aong. When it's Aang. And he's not 12, he is 112, he was just in that iceberg when he was 12 and he stayed there for a 100 years.
                  • neoncat
                    neoncatabout 11 years11 popcorn
                    It's okay. I don't watch the show, but it looks like it's better.