The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender (2010)

The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.

Directors: M. Night Shyamalan

Cast: Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Dev Patel, Jackson Rathbone, and Shaun Toub

Release Date: July 1, 2010

47 Movie Reviews
  • ninjaldb
    ninjaldbabout 11 years11 popcorn
    This movie is okay but, it is horrible compared to the show.
    • kell-bell
      kell-bellabout 11 years11 popcorn
      meh. I like the show better
    • darkness12
      darkness12about 11 years55 popcorn
      I just love this movie. An air bender of the most power of the world. The power to learn water, earth, and fire bending. Only this air bender can stop the war of the fire nation.
      • penut2345
        penut2345over 11 years
        It had a fun looking picture on the funt
        • dophin
          dophinover 11 years
          I LOVE this movie!!!
          • yusuf120
            yusuf120over 11 years22 popcorn
            it wasn't all that to me it was ok
            • gianfry
              gianfryover 11 years
              cool and very nice
              • ziarashid
                ziarashidover 11 years55 popcorn
                In truth, this was a VERY hard movie to make. But ALSO in truth, they got everything mixed up, and I thought Aang was a little too serious for my liking, but still, awesome movie. Awesome if you like action and adventure! Recommend it to anyone!
              • ammy59
                ammy59almost 12 years55 popcorn
                I loved this movie because of how much action and adventure it had. I wish it went on because a movie like that is just too good to just... Ya know... STOP!
                • sparkling5
                  sparkling5almost 12 years33 popcorn
                  first off... Why?!?! they got all the facts wrong, and being an avatar fan, how could they miss all the names???? if you watch the show first, then the movie, you would totally see the big differences!