Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)

A teenager finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them.

Release Date: September 25, 2016

163 Movie Reviews
  • sansdaskeleton
    sansdaskeletonabout 8 years
    I don't agree why they switched Emmas name with olives it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO different from the books, overall it was amazing!
    • turtlewars2
      turtlewars2about 8 years
      I really want to see this movie, my friends watched it and said it was FABULOUS!!! But they warned me that it was a bit creepy..
      • eyp
        eypabout 8 years33 popcorn
        I have read the book and it was a bit creepy but it was a good book. I have not watched the movie yet but I hope it will be just as good.
        • soccerkid15
          soccerkid15about 8 years
          this was the best!! saw it with my friend.
          • I AM YOUR BAE about 8 years
            its such a good movie OMG!!!!!
            • I AM YOUR BAE about 8 years
              I think this would make a great book
              • eyp
                eypabout 8 years33 popcorn
                It already is a book, in fact it is a trilogy.
              • frapuccinogirl
                frapuccinogirlabout 8 years
                I honestly think you should read the book before the movie. Even though in this case the movie is better than the book. It was amazing how the people's abilities were. Plus, I loved the song. Ages 8+.
                • CuteBunniesabout 8 years
                  At first this movie was boring. But then it got more interesting when the boy saw the Peculiar Children in person. The movie just kept getting more interesting from there. Out of all the movies I have seen, this is the most mature. For ages 10+.
                  • Someoneabout 8 years
                    Cool ive already seen the movie but the trailer still cool
                    • KODY HUTSONabout 8 years
                      IT IS SCARY