Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)

A teenager finds himself transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures intent on destroying them.

Release Date: September 25, 2016

163 Movie Reviews
  • glizz
    glizzover 8 years
    want to see it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • red hoodover 8 years
      I love it ;)
      • red hoodover 8 years
        I love it. ;).
        • joshua davisover 8 years
          like wow i wana see the movie not traller
          • omgover 8 years
            this movie is awesome I wish I could wach the full movie
            • IMa blobover 8 years
              I have only seen the trailer but the movie looks amazing, I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!
              • Meg Jilekover 8 years
                loved it
                • darkswan
                  darkswanover 8 years
                  This movies is really fun and exciting I don't recommend this movie to smaller children who can not handle scares or unnatural things.
                  • mphfpc
                    mphfpcover 8 years55 popcornFeatured
                    This movie was cool and I love how the characters had there own individual powers like Olive had fire hands,Emily (i think her name was) was an air elemental,Mrs.Peregrine is a Peregrine Falcon,The twins turn people into stone,and Jake can see hollows! That one guy has the power to make puppets live,one of them is a earth elemental,another has another mouth! I love their different personalities and how it ended. Let's not forget Barron and his crew! They were hollows now they make hollows! And the skeleton army! That was so cool! Victor was so scary though because he was just laying down on a bed and that one guy took out an artificial heart and put it inside Victor then he sprung up an said "Hello Jake! I am Victor!" Then shot back into his original position. The time loops were cool but me and my sisters noticed that they were attacked by Nazis! When the bomb officially dropped and the whole adventure started,it was awesome!!!!
                    • personover 8 years
                      10/10, definitely. very good and pretty scary though. you should see it.