There have been many generations of spiderman, the original being Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield ( Amazing spiderman and now a new guy Tom Holland ( Young Avenger), who did a sensational job in the movie as well as being a great actor. The film Spider-Man Homecoming is a completely different franchise and has a different point of view of what the producers had in concern to make the film especially not showing the death of uncle Ben and how Peter becomes Spiderman. However, this focuses more on Peter being a friendly neighbourhood spiderman and fighting crime as per usual but most of all be a future avenger with the guidance of Tony Stark Aka Iron Man who assists Peter in terms of his suit and safety kinda like babysitting, but Peter wishes to exceed more as he investigates the theft of Stark industries used for crime and Peter wishes to stop this happening and to prove Tony Stark that his something better besides being a friendly neighbourhood spiderman. Overall, the film was great and has a completely different purpose and proposal to a whole new different spiderman franchise that will further develop especially being part of avengers is a whole new level.