Imagine yourself as someone who would kill to be popular, but simply can't, just because of what you look like and the people you're friends with. Well, this is the story if the book Camo Girl, by Kekla Magoon. This is a realistic fiction book that in many ways is very real in the world. Yet this book sends a great message to kids all around, and it is simply amazing. Ella and Z have been friends forever. It doesn't matter, when, where, or what they're doing, it's always done together. The author clearly shows that Ella would do anything to be popular, but she simply can't leave Z behind. Since Z is known as the weird kid at school, Ella knows he needs someone there to protect him from the the bullies and popular kids. But things change when the new kid Bailey comes to school. Bailey learns quickly who's popular, and who's not. Ella really tries to make an impression on Bailey at school. One day, Ella comes home to Bailey playing basketball in her driveway. Bailey offers to teach her, and even asks if she wants to hang out. The next day at school, when Ella is called names, Bailey stands up for her, and even leaves the lunch table he was sitting at to go sit with her and Z. Bailey soon learns to accept Ella, but Z disapproves. Z is jealous of all of the time Ella spends with Bailey now, so he separates himself from her. Ella is left with the decision of choosing popularity or her best friend, which puts her in a tough spot. Kekla Magoon is the author of many other books, including The Rock and the River, How it Went Down, and Fire in the Streets. The type of reader that would enjoy this book would be any gender from ages 10-15. This books send a great message to kids about being yourself and making the right decisions in life.