Suicide Squad was an okay movie. It wasn't great, but wasn't horrible either. I enjoyed the characters, and their back stories. I also enjoyed the special effects, for the most part. However, DC is trying to hard to be like the MCU. Their too worried on creating a connected universe rather than focusing on the task at hand. Here's the thing, while their movies have been box office successes so far, 2 out of the 3 have received generally negative reviews while Man of Steel received mixed reviews. Now, I loved Man of Steel, I thought it was a fresh take on the modern Super Hero. So, I was excited for the sequel, but was very disappointed when it eventually came around. First of all, the film struggled trying to keep a coherent story, and was too worried on having Easter eggs for the future movies. While Wonder Woman was cool and all, she really had no other reason to be there other than so that they could introduce her for future installments. Same thing happens here. While most of the characters in this movie have a point to be there, there are some that it wouldn't matter or affect the story if they weren't. Also, the Joker. Now, I know that most people's major complaint with this movie was that Joker didn't get enough screen time. But quite frankly, I think the film would have been better if he was only in the flash backs. For example, he was important in Harly Quinn's back story, but other than that, he didn't really have a purpose. I felt, again, that he wasn't just there so that they could set up future installments involving the Joker. I felt that this was D.C.' S answer back rob Guardians of the Galaxy. For example, this film went into development right around the time of Guardian's massive success. It's the story of a group of characters that aren't heros (and aren't that well known) who get together because they have too in order to take down the notorious villain. While the two films aren't that much alike, you can tell that D.C. took inspiration from Marvel. Now, I'm not hating on D.C. Wht I'm trying to say is that D.C. shouldn't worry about competing with Marvel. They have compelling characters and story lines that can stand on there own, and also be a great universe. I mean, take the Dark Kinght trilogy for example. That was back when they weren't interested in doing a connected universe. And those were fantastic films. They really were. I'm not trying to say that D.C. never has a chance to compare to Marvel, because if they play their cards right, they could give Marvel a run for their money. So I say that if your a D.C. fan, you should watch this film. You shouldn't watch it anyway. Because really, it's not that bad. The problem is their trying to much to e like Marvel, and not like D.C. And so far, it's not really working for them.