I read Eddie Red, Undercover: Mystery in Mayan Mexico by: Marcia Wells. This amazing story is about a boy named Edward, known as Eddie Red when under cover. Edward has to find out who stole a gold mask from his friend in Mayan Mexico. Eddie is a cop who can draw lifelike photos and has photographic memory. Eddie and his friends search pyramids, museums and homes to find out who stole the mask and framed his father. Out of 1-3, I rate this book a 3. I rate this book a 3 out of 3 because it is action packed with a few twists. One criticism is that this book is a sequel, and unless you read the first book the beginning can be confusing. I think this is realistic fiction, even if it's a small stretch. I think it's realistic fiction because it's about a family who goes to Mexico and tours Mayan Mexico while his father is framed. I think if you enjoy Mexican history, like adventure, and love crime you would enjoy this fascinating book. An internal conflict occurs when Eddie's father is framed and Eddie has to fight himself and say he'll find who framed his father. This also has many external conflicts, man vs man when Eddie fights a thief, man vs society when the government blames Eddie's father, etc.