The Peanuts Movie

The Peanuts Movie (2015)

Snoopy embarks upon his greatest mission as he and his team take to the skies to pursue their arch-nemesis, while his best pal Charlie Brown begins his own epic quest.

Release Date: October 19, 2015

132 Movie Reviews
  • ec0612
    ec0612about 9 years
    I've never watched this movie but I've heard that this is really funny
    • cmp8
      cmp8about 9 years
      so my grandma asked me if i wanted to see it. i said yes. because i watched the commercials and it looked very funny. so when i went to the gem theatere earlyier today i watched it. and i thought it was very funny. and so i thought that you guys here on DOGO might like it. so i thought about sharing it with you guys for the whole rest of the day. and i then i decided yes i would it would be my first movie and i would be sharing it with you. so after i did my reading i came on here and started to put the stuff in. and thats why im writing this now!
      • Mikaelaabout 9 years
        • snoopdogjoecool
          snoopdogjoecoolabout 9 years55 popcorn
          I loved the movie. I think it was a great way to spend a afternoon.
          • bd227369about 9 years
            This movie is so great
            • bear04
              bear04about 9 years55 popcorn
              I saw it at the drive in last night with my family and We loved it. I want to get it on DVD when it comes out on DVD. It was a very good movie.
              • al3720
                al3720about 9 years
                It comes out today. It looks so good . I defiantly want to watch it right away. It looks funny too.
                • Magdalenaabout 9 years
                  LOVED IT... SO CUTE =)
                  • demosthenes
                    demosthenesabout 9 years
                    This looks awesome!!!!!!!
                    • Claraabout 9 years
                      VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY CUTE!