The Lorax

The Lorax (1972)

The Once-ler, a ruined industrialist, tells the tale of his rise to wealth and subsequent fall, as he disregarded the warnings of a wise old forest creature called the Lorax about the environmental destruction caused by his greed.

Release Date: February 14, 1972

26 Movie Reviews
  • peeta
    peetaover 12 years
    the lorax is funnyyyyyyyyyyy
    • love2004
      love2004over 12 years
      its sad but funny
      • cherry2002
        cherry2002over 12 years
        OMG SO COOL
        • kushibushi
          kushibushiover 12 years55 popcornFeatured
          I LOVED THIS MOVIE BECAUSE when i was small i used to read dr seuss all the time and my favourite was the lorax when i heared it was out in the cinamas i was the first in line the reason why i liked it was it taught me alot about trees and photosinthasis and what would happen if there was no more trees
          • tumbleweed
            tumbleweedover 12 years
            the best movie i have ever seen in my life. i hate the part when they cant leave the town and the mayor or that person that comes after him wont let him cross. i think that is stupid of him to do that. they should be able to leave the town
            • buster
              busterover 12 years55 popcorn
              Very good movie. It was colorful, the story was good and it was especially good in 3D. I recommend this to kids of all ages.