The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)

Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.

Release Date: November 21, 2014

520 Movie Reviews
  • chocolatecandy5
    chocolatecandy5about 10 years
    So awesome! I can't wait for part 2
    • marcellos
      marcellosabout 10 years
      This movie was the bomb, but I hate how pita is messed up at the end.
      • ygdfyergfigifrabout 10 years
        seen it its awsome
        • kittyabout 10 years
          I also read Mockingjay and the ending was soooo sad I almost cried too many people die.
          • kittyabout 10 years
            I LOVE THE HUNGER GAMES SERIES!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited for part 2 I am about to burst
            • kris9876
              kris9876about 10 years
              I just love these books!
              • HUNGER GAMESabout 10 years
                omg this movie is the best
                • givemehug
                  givemehugabout 10 years
                  I cant wait till they come out with part2 plus I'v read the book it's good
                  • mehevenbro
                    mehevenbroabout 10 years
                    I love how all movie books trilogies have Jennifer Lawrence as the main woman protagonist.
                    • Candy4everabout 10 years
                      Omg it was great, i cant wait for part 2