The Help

The Help (2011)

Rated PG-13 146 min - Drama
Aibileen Clark is a middle-aged African-American maid who has spent her life raising white children and has recently lost her only son; Minny Jackson is an African-American maid who has often offended her employers despite her family's struggles with money and her desperate need for jobs; and Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is a young white woman who has recently moved back home after graduating college to find out her childhood maid has mysteriously disappeared. These three stories intertwine to explain how life in Jackson, Mississippi revolves around "the help"; yet they are always kept at a certain distance because of racial lines.

Directors: Tate Taylor

Cast: Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia L. Spencer, and Jessica Chastain

Release Date: August 9, 2011

121 Movie Reviews
  • presios
    presiosabout 11 years
    I think the movie is very empowering because it shows what life was like in the south back in the day
    • swaqq2707
      swaqq2707about 11 years44 popcorn
      it was super funny and the little girl was so cuteeee :)
      • neoncat
        neoncatabout 11 years
        Ugh, I really want to see it.
        • hellokittybrea
          hellokittybreaabout 11 years55 popcorn
          this is so funny and sad at the same time.......................
          • jacky321
            jacky321about 11 years
            OMG I could not believe how they treated the lady that made the book about I loved the movie it even made me cry like when at the end when the little girl did not want her to leave that part made me cry the most out of all the times that I cried:(
            • Lovlyover 11 years
              i think this movie is really good
              • 15830000
                15830000over 11 years
                i love this moive it shows that black people did not deserve this and how they were treated
                • amygenius
                  amygeniusover 11 years
                  I loved this movie because it show how much racism has changed throughout the past years and we can see that blacks had a hard life and if it weren't for people like Ms. Skeeter, our society would still be segregated.
                  • cameron101
                    cameron101over 11 years55 popcorn
                    i love this movie
                    • evipinkgirl
                      evipinkgirlover 11 years44 popcorn
                      that was really good and you guys might want to watch it, it made me... so emotional. just saying the help is a really good movie.