The Giver (2014)
In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world.
Release Date: August 11, 2014
161 Movie Reviews
- A.W almost 6 yearsThis movie was great, it also showed many similarities and differences to the movie. After watching the movie it makes you think about the book different, the movie appears to be in a very futuristic society as the book doesn’t go into great detail. On of the most notable differences from the book to the movie is the characters appearance. In both communities form the book to the movie there community was very monitored, just as the in book is closely monitored. The movie allows us to form pictures in our minds about how the characters from the books look like. I would personally rate this move 8/10, I gave it this rating because it misses out on important details from the book. The Giver 2014 Phillip Noyce
- T.balmost 6 yearsIn the movie ,”The Giver” it was pretty great even though not all the details from the book were included. An example of how the movie was as good as the book is that they represented almost the entire world as it was described in the book. Also even though the beginning was changed and replaced with a different one it gave more foreshadowing towards events, gave some background on the world, and tells who’s the main character’s friends. Then many events occur, but some small details are removed such as Jonas’s sister being eight instead of nine and the job Asher gets as a pilot. This is why I would recommend to watch this if you want to enjoy the movie as it is instead of comparing completely to the book. In the end I would give the movie at least three popcorns.
- A.Malmost 6 yearsThe movie The Giver is better than the Novel because in the movie it adds a lot more feeling and suspense to the story, and it also shows some parts that were very exciting that were not in the book. For example in the novel it just says Jonas took his bike and left the community with baby Gabriel while the movie shows Jonas punching Asher, him tricking the guards by having Fiona run out of one side with the decoy baby carrier while he runs out the exit with baby Gabriel, and then the part where he jumps off the cliff with the motorcycle. That makes it look that he is going to fall but he dose t so it added a lot of excitement and suspense which is very good in a movie. Then in the book some events take like 1 or 2 hours to read while in the movie that same event takes like 15-30 minutes. In conclusion The Giver was a very good movie and it was better than the book for many reasons like it adding suspense and action to it. Overall I would give this movie a 4 out of 5 because it added a lot of excitement and suspense to the story but it also could have explained things better in the movie.
- JLYalmost 6 yearsIf you like books different from the movies, I think you would enjoy this book/movie. The Giver is about a Utopian city with the character Jonas works with the Giver to keep the memories kept safe. I really liked the book and the video, but in my opinion you should only read the book because the book gives you more more information and if you watched the movie before reading the book it wouldn’t make sense much because the book explains what’s in the movie. I also recommend like 11+ kids read it because of a kid were to read the book or movie it would be really hard to understand.
- GPalmost 6 yearsIf you have not watched the Giver movie, then go watch it right now. The book is definitely different than the actual movie itself. The book has more details, while the movie doesn’t have parts that the book has. One example is that in the book, Fiona, is not mention a lot or isn’t part of many scenes, but on the other hand, the movie shows a lot of parts with Fiona in it. I love the layout of the movie on how they made the Uptopia community seem very realistic. I would recommend you watch this movie because it gives you a visual on how the sameness was and just compare it to how you live. I give this movie five popcorns/stars.
- T.O+almost 6 yearsThe term to Hollywood a movie has been used a lot but this movie is a perfect example of what this means. Giver is a book made by Lois Lowry in 1993 and is considered a classic by many. So to hear that a movie was going to be made about this book sounded good. If you are considering watching the movie and have not read the book yet I recommend you do if the concept interest you. A basic summary of this movie is that a kid named Jonas graduates school with his friends Asher and Fiona. Jonas is then selected to be the receiver which is his job. This job involves Jonas seeing the past and having to deal with what he knows while being in love with his friend Fiona. My overall thoughts on this movie are mixed. If I were to judge this on its own as if the book never existed then I would actually like this movie a little bit more. When you start comparing this movie to the book, it’s flaws start becoming more apparent. The special effects were okay, not good but not bad. The only problem I had were during some parts at Asher's job where the special effects did not look to good. The main thing that I dislike about the movie is how they made this a love story and forget to give Asher a personality. The reason why I dislike this is because the movie loses its identity and focuses on this plot point more than Jonas’s job which was supposed to be the main subject. A minor nitpick I have is that when they show the title it looks like iMovie to me. I found the music and setting to be forgettable. Nothing really stood out to me other than the water fountain and the Givers house. My suggestion on what I believe would have made the settings more memorable is by making everybody and everything seem lifeless like Jonas’s Mom or Dad, Or maybe by making the grass dead to fit with This movie does have some positives though such as the Entertainment value which I think is high. Characters such as the Giver are enjoyable because of how grouchy he is and Asher just because of how everyone treats him make the movie more enjoyable just because of how different they are from the book. My favorite scene in this movie is when Jonas and Asher encounter each other at the bike rack just because of how they portray Asher or when Asher and Fiona go down the elevator just because it looks like fun. Overall I would recommend the movie if you have an open mind and have read the book because the characters are such a parody of themself that it becomes enjoyable to watch. This movie in my opinion is enjoyable which is all that matters but is bad when looking at it critically. This movie will be enjoyed by anyone with an open mind or anyone who is watching this with a group of friends. Fun fact this movie came out on my birthday. The Giver movie review. Actors: Jeff Bridges as Giver, Taylor Swift as Rosemary, Brenton Thwaites as Jonas. Runtime: one hour and forty minutes. Year: 2014. Rating: 3/5
- J Oalmost 6 yearsThe giver movie was great. Although there are some differences between the book and the movie that were important.The setting in the movie was exactly how they were describing it in the book. In the movie Fiona and Jonás have a friendship that escalated to something else but only for a bit . The characters somewhat different than the movie . In the movie there are really cool details that really make the movie very interesting . There are some parts of the novel that are important that are left out . For the most part I enjoyed seeing the giver movie 9/10 would recommend . Just keep in mind that the novel and the movie are very different things especially how they are displayed in this movie .
- O.R.B.almost 6 yearsIf movies about being different and experiencing new things interests you, The Giver is the movie for you. The movie, in my opinion, was better than the book fro many different reasons. If you read the book, there are going to be a few differences, but these make up in the end with a better sense of closure. There were things in the movie that were different from the book, and they were both good and bad. The changes affected the story differently, like how Fiona helped Jonas in the end had changed her life completely and this made the people think about what was happening. Fiona and Jonas got more of a romantic story structure in the movie when he convinced her to not take medication. Also, in the book, Asher was going to be the Assistant Director of Recreation, but he became Drone Pilot which had caused a different, but more exciting character in the movie, whereas he was more irrelevant in the book. The movie helped visualize what you read, by having music in times of suspense and creating how the authors thought the community and the people looked. I would recommend this movie to kids, teenagers and adults because there are parts everyone would enjoy there wasn’t to much action, but plenty of enjoyable scenes. I would rate this a 8/10 on a scale.
- KDESalmost 6 yearsImagine you were part of a supposed perfect community that held secrets that you didn’t know about. The Giver Movie was an amazing movie that holds your attention until the very end and keeps your eyes glued to the movie. The characters all contribute immensely to the plot: Jonas, Fiona, Asher, the Giver, everyone. If you like movies that hold your attention and makes you want to keep watching to know what happens in the end, watch The Giver. Jonas is part of a community where there is no feelings, no color, and no war. One person is held high in honor and that person is called the Receiver, who holds all the events about events in the past. He starts to understand many things and begins to want to change…The whole movie is filled with a lot of detail. Although the movie is different from the book, the movie seems better because it gives you more of a sense of closure while the book is open-ended. For example (in the way of how the book is different than the movie) is like Asher, Fiona, and Jonas. In the book, Asher had always been a goofy person and continued to be a goofy person, but in the movie, Asher became serious once he got his assignment. That change made the movie change a lot more from the book, but in a good way. The setting of the Giver was spot-on, meaning the way Lois Lowry describes the community in the book was super accurate in the movie. It looked exactly like how I had imagined it: super futuristic with high technology and advanced medicine. Also, the special effects in the movie were awesome, with the drones flying everywhere, it looked so real. The Giver was a great movie that I would watch again and again. I recommend it to anyone who is old enough to watch it!
- M.Dalmost 6 yearsA impassioned feeling will come you; your brain will want to have more want it going to happen next. That what the Giver Movie gives off. As also, It gave more of the big picture toward the end. Where Jonas went with Gabe and release the memories that they have been keeping away from the people. That is where no word came out it was that incredible that it was more better than the book. Yeah, the book gave more details but, at the end it confuses you towards if Jonas made it or not with Gabe. It too much events in the book and the movie you focus in more interesting parts. As in addition like stated it will give you more of visual towards rosemary and really how the community works. So, the movie is a better preference instead of the book.