Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren and his army of Stormtroopers.

Release Date: December 14, 2015

927 Movie Reviews
  • jamin1
    jamin1over 7 years55 popcorn
    • galaxy_stars
      galaxy_starsover 7 years55 popcorn
      One of my all time favourite movies
      • cool_cat318
        cool_cat318over 7 years44 popcornFeatured
        "Longing you seek is not behind you, it's in from of you"-Maz. Star Wars The Force Awakens is a superb movie all on its own but with the extra back round from the other movies makes all that much better. Its about a girl by the name Rey who comes across a man called Finn and together they journey through a never-ending battle. Force Awakens is a heart filling and braking movie at the same time because you do loose some memorable characters on the way. Overall I give this movie a 9 out of 10 and recommend it for ages mature 9+.
      • alexplays003
        alexplays003over 7 years55 popcornFeatured
        This movie is AMAZING. The graphics are incredible, along with the costumes and the acting and I can't wait for the Last Jedi! My only reservation is that (MAJOR SPOILER ALERT) Han Solo died... During the movie I almost started crying... I don't know if anyone else was depressed, but honestly? I think that could be a very intruiging storyline- Ben could actually feel remorse for soing that and could be caught in an epic struggle with himself, very much like Anakin Skywalker was. And then there's Rey. We all know the cryptic line in the trailer: Luke says, "It's time for the Jedi to end." But we also see him training Rey as a Jedi. So will she be an entirely new version of the Jedi? Or was that just a moment of self-doubt related to his failure with Ben? We also see Captian Phasma's armour, but only for a second. We also see a burning building in the background. Could that be Luke's Jedi academy? All these questions will hopefully be answered in the Last Jedi, including Rey's parentage, which would take about seven paragraphs to explain. That's all for now! Cya! -alexplays003
        • neoncat
          neoncatover 7 years55 popcorn
          I screamed, "NO!" in my theater when Han died. I really did, even though I knew what was going to happen, it was just super upsetting. Luke and Han will never reunite and that loss will just add onto Luke's grief :( In the novelization, it says that Kylo felt "weaker" instead of feeling stronger from killing him. Rian Johnson has also said we'll see more of a struggle within Kylo, so that'll be interesting. Fingers crossed on a Kylo and Leia interaction! :D Also, on the "It's time for the Jedi to end," quote I think it's before Rey convinces Luke to rejoin the fight, because at this point he's a broken man </3. We know this from the Entertainment Weekly articles that Luke is consumed with guilt and sadness and feels responsible for the way his nephew turned out. It also says that Luke had to step back and reevaluate the way he views the Force--his faith has changed and now Rey must find the hopeful hero in him. At first, he'll want nothing to do with her but eventually he'll see her potential and learn to forgive himself. I know I'm going to be sobbing so much in TLJ with the flashbacks to Luke's academy, the way Luke has changed :(, but I know that Rey and Luke will help heal each other. As for Rey's parentage, she's a Skywalker ;)
        • blazefury
          blazefuryover 7 years55 popcorn
          Yeeeess best movie evvvvveerrrrr
          • bearwithbottom
            bearwithbottomover 7 years55 popcorn
            • i_am_fili
              i_am_filiover 7 years55 popcorn
              Disney rises to the high challenge of keeping Star Wars great!!! Amazing!!! Highly recommend it!
              • Agonalmost 8 years
                This is the best movie I ever saw and I have seen all the other movies and I love this movie and Rouge One (a star wars story).I recomend everyone to watch this moive if you haven't seen it yet
                • marveldudes
                  marveldudesalmost 8 years
                  this movie is AWESOME very VERY good story i love star wars but im gonna be totally honest this is the only star wars film i have seen
                  • skrrttt
                    skrrtttalmost 8 years55 popcorn
                    I love star wars it is one of my favourite series