Princess Protection Program

Princess Protection Program (2009)

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Directors: Allison Liddi

Cast: Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Nicholas Braun, Molly Hagan, and Jamie Chung

Release Date: June 30, 2009

34 Movie Reviews
  • essenceover 9 years
    i really like this movie it plays on disney channle
    • lion06
      lion06over 9 years
      I love this movie because it's about this princess who needs to go to this house so she would not get caught by this mean guy because he doesn't what the princess to be the new queen because he wants to be the king.
      • happy1929
        happy1929about 10 years
        • athleticamazin
          athleticamazinalmost 11 years33 popcorn
          Princess Protection Program is not that bad of a Disney Channel Movie. Like I've said before Disney Channel made movies are somewhat dumb but this one was a pretty decent version.
          • aggie
            aggieabout 11 years44 popcorn
            it was good
            • 9430about 11 years
              I like this movie its really awesome.
              • rozeb
                rozebabout 11 years55 popcorn
                This is my favorite movie of all time. I love it! My favorite character is the girl who Selena Gomez plays. Selena Gomez is a great actress and singer!
                • melodie
                  melodieover 11 years
                  I love this movie.
                  • rrhodes123
                    rrhodes123almost 12 years55 popcorn
                    i love this movie very very very cool!
                    • random0627
                      random0627almost 12 years55 popcorn
                      this movie is hilarious!