Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (2007)

Rated G 107 min - Animation Family
On their way through the Battle Frontier, Ash and friends meet up with a Pokémon Ranger who's mission is to deliever the egg of Manaphy to a temple on the ocean's floor. However, a greedy pirate wants the power of Manaphy to himself.

Release Date: March 23, 2007

9 Movie Reviews
  • Ko omegaabout 5 years
    Gosh this is in my top 20 movies and this really amazing I appreciate the man who made it
    • chuuby potatoalmost 8 years
      pokemon rocks must see movei
      • Freddiealmost 8 years
        I love pokemon!😍😍
        • ashspikachu03almost 8 years
          Latest pokemon song: I stand strong cause i know im a winner. Knock me down ill just get up again. You have menchind that your im no beginner. Pokemon,Pokemon, gotta catch em all
          • wayleb
            waylebover 9 years
            Pokemon rocks and this movie is awesome.
            • pokeguy
              pokeguyabout 10 years55 popcorn
              this is so boss!!!
              • pkmnmcpro
                pkmnmcproabout 10 years
                I like the nonsense stunts. There just so funny.
                • mario58
                  mario58over 10 years
                  Pokemon cool
                  • pou
                    pouover 10 years
                    hello everyone i am the first review and u need to watch it