Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.
Release Date: May 10, 2019
311 Movie Reviews
- p2over 5 yearsi like the movie its cool
- Mad cow over 5 yearsThis is really AWESOME!
- Littenover 5 yearsSo good I saw it huge plot twist at the end omggggg
- PT18over 5 yearsIt was really good, but the only thing that i found weird was that it was barely like the game and it's was a Pokemon game that they could base of word for word. Overall really good movie.
- feliksover 5 yearsomg CANT WAIT
- It has the Pokémon that I like!!!!
- Haven 't seen it yet but it looks really good!
- Theoover 5 yearsI saw this movie. It is very funny!!
- hiover 5 yearsso so cool
- julioover 5 yearsvery funny