Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.
Release Date: May 10, 2019
311 Movie Reviews
- Filipeover 5 yearsI like so much this movie
- Donovan Pratt over 5 yearsIt 100 good
- Tjellyover 5 years5 popcorn, it is a very wonderful movie! I love it when it surprises you at the end were everyone thought the good guy was bad and the bad guy was good, and also how the pikachu gave his life to the dad. At the end the dad reappear from the pikachu and they were one big happy family!
- Lykha over 5 yearsIt was good
- Francoover 5 yearsThis is a funny and great movie I loved this film
- Ninja manover 5 yearsI love this movies
- Justice over 5 yearsIt was a bit scary I'm 100% sure
- Jacycandleover 5 yearsPikachu is so cute!😘😄
- Intanover 5 yearsI like movies
- marcusover 5 yearsI never watched it, but I think I AM GOING TO LOVE IT.