Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019)
In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.
Release Date: May 10, 2019
311 Movie Reviews
- Davidover 5 yearsIt is a good movie
- Unicorn over 5 yearsYou should watch it Unicorn
- Kangho over 5 yearsSo cool
- Charmander over 5 yearsWhen all people gets out, the pokémon leave his parents and go to the poke world! When charmander is a baby, her fire turn smaller as a toy. When it got 1 years, bulbasaur is smaller than a rabbit! When pichu got 1 year, her pikachu 8s very surprised when he gets small!
- Thais over 5 yearsSo good so cool
- Oover 5 yearsso good
- Zaki over 5 yearsSo good
- Movie like over 5 yearsCute movie
- Maxwell Maximusover 5 yearsPikachu is so CUTE!!!😍😘😘!PIKACHU IS MY FAVORITE POKÉMON!
- Soren Ellisover 5 yearsI love it