Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)

When the magic powers of The Tablet of Ahkmenrah begin to die out, Larry Daley spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.

Release Date: December 11, 2014

100 Movie Reviews
  • herosmiler😁almost 10 years
    😀😀😀😀soooo cool
    • Candycatalmost 10 years
      That movie rocked
      • tashadtasha
        tashadtashaalmost 10 years55 popcorn
        Omg just as funny as the first one. Hilarious!
        • beastmode8
          beastmode8almost 10 years44 popcorn
          VERY GOOD
          • beastmode8
            beastmode8almost 10 years44 popcorn
            VERY GOOD
            • cece10678
              cece10678almost 10 years
              i can tell it will be funny
              • eagles31
                eagles31almost 10 years
                haven't seen it can't wait to see
              • ravermccare23
                ravermccare23almost 10 years
                awesome, end of story
                • redheadperson22
                  redheadperson22almost 10 years33 popcorn
                  Warning! This review contains minor/medium spoilers. The tablet that makes everything come alive malfunctions, so Larry and the gang have to figure out how to fix it. What I thought of it: My favorite character was probably Jed. Lancelot was cool too. I liked Larry's son, Nick also. He happens to look just like someone I know. I enjoyed Larry's interactions with pretty much everyone. They were all pretty interesting. But I found the ending unsatisfying. Also, did anyone else find it really strange when Larry and the monkey kissed. I mean that was probably one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a movie and I've watched a lot of weird movies. Overall, it was entertaining, but not the best.
                  • wildizy
                    wildizyabout 10 years
                    ya my parents saw it and said it was a waist of time they sid yoy dont laugh for like the first hour!