Napoleon Dynamite

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

Rated PG 95 min - Comedy
A listless and alienated teenager decides to help his new friend win the class presidency in their small western high school, while he must deal with his bizarre family life back home.

Directors: Jared Hess

Cast: Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Aaron Ruell, Efren Ramirez, and Tina Majorino

Release Date: January 17, 2004

30 Movie Reviews
  • ajg16
    ajg16over 8 years55 popcorn
    This a super funny I love when he feeds Tina the lama !!!!!!!!!!!!
    • laker101
      laker101about 9 years55 popcorn
      this is one great movie awesome
      • neymaRover 10 years
        One of my favorite movies of all time. My friends and I laugh as herd as we did the last time we saw it. It never gets old. The funniest movie I have ever seen.
        • redheadperson22
          redheadperson22over 10 years44 popcorn
          There's this guy named Napoleon Dynamite and this movie is just basically some random things that happened in his life. What I thought of it: Napoleon is one of my favorite main characters ever. But you'd have to watch the movie to understand why. I liked his friend, Pedro (or something), too. And his brother. In fact, I can't think of a member of the main cast who I didn't like. The whole concept of the main character (Napoleon) was complete genius. I've never seen a main character like him. He's so unbelievably unique. I wish more protagonists were as unique as he is. But in most movies/TV shows/books, all of the main characters are basically the same. I mean there're different kinds of main characters, but there're only like 4 categories that most of the characters fall into. Napoleon (and a lot of the main cast) didn't fall into any of the main categories, and I really liked that. Overall, it was a really good movie.
          • percabethlolz
            percabethlolzover 10 years
            O. M. G. THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!especially thepart when he goes to feed tina the lama lol :3
            • snemeth
              snemethabout 11 years
              Just watched it so funny
              • mmg
                mmgabout 12 years44 popcorn
                Really funny movie about a nerd that gets bullied and has the weirdest brother and uncle ever! I would think that he would have went to the dance with the girl that tried to sell him keychains.
                • boomzoom
                  boomzoomover 12 years44 popcorn
                  The dance part at the end is the best. I'm working on it for talent show! Vote for Pedro!
                  • nsdqb
                    nsdqbalmost 13 years
                    Up there with happy gilmore in the funny ratings. The movie is so funny. My favorte line Napoleon says in the movie has got to be: Heck yes I am