Love, Kennedy

Love, Kennedy (2017)

Rated PG 92 min - Family Drama
Kennedy Hansen is a funny, loving child but inexplicably she begins to fall. It takes years for the diagnosis… Juvenile Batten Disease, an extremely rare, terrible and terminal prognosis. There is no cure for Batten Disease and after living only sixteen years, Kennedy leaves behind a great legacy of love and friendship. But her story doesn't end at her death, that's when the miracles really begin. Based on a true story.

Release Date: June 2, 2017

3 Movie Reviews
  • kailey_cline
    kailey_clineover 1 year55 popcorn
    It is an amazing Christian story of a young girl who has a desire that is causing her to slowly lose her brain cells, which leads to a young death. This girl knew her fate but walked with God the whole way, and trusted in him. Appropriate for all ages.
    • book_addict
      book_addictover 2 years
      This sounds like a great movie
      • skyward_flight
        skyward_flightover 2 years55 popcorn
        This is by far the saddest movie I have ever watched, and one of the most touching. Kennedy Hansen has always thought she was just a regular girl. Driving her mother's car at age 5, being obsessed with boys and cheerleading. But it turns out, everything is not what it seems. Kennedy falls at school, and has to go to the hospital, where it is discovered, she has a problem with her eyes. Kennedy is taken from clinic to clinic in search of a cure, without success. Finally, someone knows what's happening. Kennedy has Batten's disease, a rare sickness without any known cure. Kennedy pushes forward believing in God, and that she can survive. Then, the unthinkable happens. Kennedy loses her speech and eyesight completely, and finally begins to fade away. No one can believe that someone so full of life and love has to finally go. Kennedy has filled her life with beauty, and love, and has made her sixteen years the best years of her family's life. I loved this movie, because it was so full of emotion, and because it really shows the struggle of day to day life for someone with Batten's disease. I recommend this movie to anyone, and everyone. It will touch your heart.