
Holes (2003)

A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he must dig holes in order to build character. What he doesn't know is that he is digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden somewhere in the camp.

Directors: Andrew Davis

Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Patricia Arquette, Tim Blake Nelson, and Dule Hill

Release Date: April 11, 2003

141 Movie Reviews
  • tarynw
    tarynwover 8 years55 popcorn
    We read the book and watched the movie in class. I LOVE THE MOVIE!
    • memoiloveit
      memoiloveitover 8 years55 popcorn
      I watched this movie two years ago and it was my favorite movie then
      • awesomeguy2000
        awesomeguy2000over 8 years55 popcorn
        • awesomeguy2000
          awesomeguy2000over 8 years55 popcorn
          Awesome!!!! I have the book too... but it's confusing I get it!!!
          • swimstar04
            swimstar04over 8 years
            I have read the book already and saw the movie, it is absolutely a must watch movie!
            • kcc1
              kcc1over 8 years55 popcorn
              This was a good movie
              • swirlycool
                swirlycoolover 8 years55 popcorn
                Alright, well Stanley Yelnats is just walking back home when a pair of shoes fall on his head! The police comes and asks him his name and sets a case about it. Then Stanley has a choice. He can go to Camp Green Lake, or get arrested. Now, doesn't Camp Green Lake sound MUCH better? Yasssss it does. Stanley picked the camp. But when he arrives, there is no lake. Nothing is green. How odd. Then someone walked up to him and greeted him. He said his name was Mr. Sir. He asked Theodore (otherwise known as Armpit,) to show him things. Then when Stanley called him Theodore, he pushed him so hard he fell. "My name is Armpit, NOT Theodore!!" he said. Stanley got up and walked back himself. When he arrived, he found Mr. Sir waiting for him. He told him to change into his digging clothes. After that, he explained what his other pair of clothes was for. It was for when he came back from digging. "Are ya thirsty?" he asked Stanley. "Yes," Stanley replied gratefully. "Well ya better get use to it, because you're gonna be thirsty for the next 8 months!". Later, when they were eating, the boys (except for Zero, otherwise known as Hector Zeroni) asked him why he was at camp. "I stole shoes," Stanley replied. "Whose shoes?" they asked. "Clid Livingston's," he replied. Then Zero asked if they had red stripes on them. "You just made Zero talk!" Armpit exclaimed. "What else can ya do Zero?" the boys asked (except for Stanley.) Zero didn't answer. First holes the hardest. Stanley found something while digging his first hole, a fosile. He showed Mr. Sir when he came to fill the canteens. He said it was interesting. Then Stanley asked if he got the day off. Then Mr. Sir just laughed and said the Warden wasn't interested in fosiles. Then later on his other hole he found a tube with the initals KB. What does that stand for? He gave it to X-Ray because he told him if he finds anything he should have it because he has weak eyesight and can't spot anything. Stanley said that he should wait to give it in the morning so he gets the whole day off. X-Ray said that was a good idea. After digging for a few weeks, Stanley got use to the camp. The boys even came up with a nickname for him, Caveman. He wrote a letter to his mother, saying he actually kind of liked the camp, saying he was learning new things and making new friends. But then something terrible happened later. Something that changed camp a bit. Stanley got into a fight with one of the boys. It was ZigZag's birthday. Since Stanley started teaching Zero how to write, Zero dug some of his hole so he had more energy to teach him. Since Zero was a fast digger, it was no problem for him. The boys started teasing Stanley of why Zero was digging his hole. Then ZigZag said Stanley could have his cookie. Then Stanley said no thanks. Then ZigZag pushed him and said "Don't push me!". But Stanley wasn't pushing HIM, he was pushing him. Then Mr. Pendanski came out and told Stanley to fight ZigZag. "Fight the bully, don't let him hurt you. Go ahead. Fight him," he encouraged Stanley. Stanley didn't want to fight. But then when ZigZag punched him, he punched him back. Then ZigZag punched Stanley so hard Stanley fell. Then ZigZag was really surprised because Zero came out and started choking him. "Stop! You're going to kill him!!" Mr. Pendanski shouted. Zero didn't stop (lol I kind of laughed at that part). Then Mr. Pendanski blew his horn and all the counselors (including the Warden came out!). Then Zero stopped. "What is going on here?!?" the Warden asked. The boys kept explaining the fight. Then the Warden said that they shouldn't have been doing this and should have all been digging their holes. "Stanley doesn't dig his," Armpit mumbled. "What?" the Warden asked. The boys explained that Zero digs some of Stanley's hole everyday. Then Stanley told the Warden he was teaching Zero how to write. Then the Warden asked what does C-A-T spell. Zero didn't answer (oh and I forgot to say, Zero doesn't like answering questions.) "Hey Zero, what does D-I-G spell?" Zero didn't answer. "Ya know why he's called Zero? Because he has zero things in his brain! He's absolutely nothing." Zero swung his shovel like a baseball bat at the ground, and it came up and hit Mr. Pendanski in the face, leaving him with a bloody scratch on his cheek. "It spells dig," Zero said. Then he started backing away into the dust. Then Mr. Sir. said for them to go after him, but the Warden said no. A few days later Stanley was wondering where Zero went. It had been 5 days. Zero couldn't have survived. But Stanley's great,great pig stealing grandfather had survived for a week. "I had God's thumb," he told them. Maybe Zero had God's thumb, too. Also, something else about Stanley's great, great grandfather is that he tried to marry this girl, but then quit. He had to have a heavier big than the other man who wanted to marry the girl. They were equal because he didn't carry Madam Zeroni up the hill. He also got a curse on his family because he didn't carry her up the hill. (Heh, I think Madam Zeroni is realated to Hector Zeroni which is Zero). "Clear all his files so no Hector Zeroni ever existed," the Warden told Mr. Pendanski. He told her he couldn't do it, but he could clear them so it would make it impossible. Then when Mr. Sir was filling the canteens, Stanley jumped into the water truck and tried to drive it away, but failed. He drove it into a hole. Then Stanley got out and ran. He ran and found Zero in the Mary Loo boat. Quick thing. Mary Loo was Sam the Onion Man's pet. A camel,I think. His girlfriend was Kate Barlow. Kate Barlow was a nice school teacher until when she kissed Sam (who was a black man). At that time it was ilegal for a white and black person to kiss. Someone saw them and reported to police. They started burning the school house. Then Kate went to the police (who was named Trout). "They are burning the school house!" Kate cried. "Kiss me. You kissed the onion man," Trout said. Kate slapped him in the face instead. Then Trout said that they'd shoot Sam. Then she ran out to warn him, but she found him sailing away. He already knew what was going on. But then a gunshot got Sam. Then 3 days after Sam's death, Kate walked up to Trout and asked him if he still wanted that kiss. But then she shot him. After that Kate Barlow became an outlaw. Her new name was Kissin' Kate Barlow. They started walking toward Big Thumb. "You must carry Madam Zeroni up the hill or there will be a curse on your family," Madam Zeroni had said. Stanley carried Zero up the hill when he passed out. RIGHT THERE. RIGHT THERE, THEY BROKE THE CURSE. Alright, they don't know that though. A funny part I left out in the movie are the excuse me's. The Warden keeps saying excuse me. "Excuse me," Stanley's lawyer mimicked. When they reach the top of the hill, they found onions in the dirty water. They collected some dirty water to drink, too. They had no more of that thing that Zero called Sploosh. Quick thing. Stanley's dad is trying to make something that heals foot oder. When he finally got it, he showed Stanley's mom. "Honey, I don't smell anything," she said. "Wait.. I don't smell anything!" she noticed. "Onions and peaches, thats the trick," he explained. Now Sploosh, the 1 Stanley and Zero were eating smelled like onions and peaches. Then Stanley's dad made the product name "Sploosh". How odd. Anyway when they came back to camp, they were going to tell the Warden where they found the KB thing, so she wouldn't be mad at them, because KB stands for Kate Barlow! But when they got back, they dug for the thing she dug up a long time ago, and they found it. All of a sudden they noticed they were in a YELLOW SPOTTED LIZARD NEST!! Yellow spotted lizards are posionous and by 1 bite you can die. But when they bit them they didn't die. You know why? Because they ate alot of onions and the lizards hate onions. Then when the Warden tried to grab the suitcase from Zero, he pulled it away. "It's Stanley's," he said "No, it's mine! It was stolen from MY property," the Warden argued. Then Zero showed that it had Stanley's name on it. "See, STANLEY YELNATS," he showed her. "What?? But thats impossible!!!" the Warden fought back. But then they ended the fight. Now at the end, here is a funny part. "Can I just see what's instead the suitcase?!?" the Warden begged Stanley, just as she was getting arrested. "Excuse me?" Stanley teased. Then when he got inside, it started raining since the last hundred years..........
                • inderdave
                  inderdaveover 8 years55 popcorn
                  What I think about this movie is a kid stole some shoes and ran of with them and he got caught and went to this book Camp
                  • Doge1234over 8 years
                    Favorite Movie and book EVER!!!!!!!!!
                    • goalkeeper107over 8 years
                      this movie is so good i read the book to another good book by the auther of holes is called fuzzy mud if you dont like scary books dont read fuzzy mud