Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Wizard's Collection)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Wizard's Collection) (2001)

Rated PG

Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, John Cleese, and Robbie Coltrane

82 Movie Reviews
  • ljacquet
    ljacquetabout 2 years44 popcorn
    So much action at such a small age! This is a great movie! I like how many movies there is! Go Harry Potter!
    • nbb2011
      nbb2011about 3 years55 popcorn
      Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, is a fairly good movie that easily grasps almost everything from the book. I definitely recommend to watch it AFTER reading the book.
      • llamagamer
        llamagamerabout 3 years
        i thot it was a like chesey
        • Alphinaalmost 5 years
          • Glitchalmost 5 years
            It was cool , and I loved how voldemorts face looked
            • warriorsgirl11
              warriorsgirl11almost 5 years44 popcorn
              I personally loved the story, and I liked how real it looked. I loved Hermione. And Voldemort's face was just plain creepy. I also read the book, and it was equally good.
              • Ulfat ali naseeabout 5 years
                This movie have fans and have magic
                • Shanaya about 5 years
                  It is the best movie
                  • Zoey Santisoabout 5 years
                    It's really cool!👍
                    • breanna41911
                      breanna41911about 5 years55 popcorn
                      It's SOOOOOO good and I REALY love it! I would recomend it to anyone (I'm a Hufflepuff by the way)