Get Smart

Get Smart (2008)

Rated PG-13 110 min - Action Comedy Thriller
When members of the nefarious crime syndicate KAOS attack the U.S. spy agency Control and the identities of secret agents are compromised, the Chief has to promote hapless but eager analyst Maxwell Smart to field agent. He is partnered with veteran and capable Agent 99, the only spy whose cover remains intact. Can they work together to thwart the evil world-domination plans of KAOS and its crafty operative?

Directors: Peter Segal

Cast: Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Alan Arkin, and Terence Stamp

Release Date: June 20, 2008

12 Movie Reviews
  • Alienover 9 years
    I love this movie especially when his head gets stapled. I can not believe they did that in the movie. FUNNY:)
    • maranita
      maranitaover 9 years
      This movie seems really really funny!!!
      • nhumb
        nhumbover 9 years55 popcorn
        This was a good movie. it was about 2 agents who have to get along and work together and fight crime. it is called "Get Smart" because the man does some really dumb things and he has to get smart about what he does. This movie is also HILARIOUS.
        • shivi483
          shivi483almost 10 years44 popcorn
          Haha funny movie everything you hear about this movie you laugh cause the man is so funny and also it is based on spies so top secret but good movie and awesome.
          • athleticamazin
            athleticamazinalmost 11 years55 popcorn
            Get Smart (the newer version) is awesome! This spy movie is really good! I also recommend you watch the original Get Smart version as well!
            • bree16
              bree16almost 12 years55 popcorn
              SO FUNNY!
              • k-t
                k-tabout 12 years55 popcorn
                I REALLY REALLY LOVE this movie. it is (by far) my favorite movie ever. it does have some choice language in it though.
                • mmg
                  mmgabout 12 years
                  I really want to watch this movie because it is on one of my friends movie lists. She told me today that I should really watch it because it is really funny.
                  • mad4tennis
                    mad4tennisalmost 13 years44 popcorn
                    This movie was very very funny. It had lots of amazing gadgets and a great plot line. I would recommend this movie to almost anyone.
                    • jliu14almost 13 years
                      I don't usually consider myself to be a huge action movie fan, but this film was hilarious. It provided the perfect combo of comedy and suspense. I also commend Anne Hathaway for her portrayal of such a strong and clever female agent.