Frozen Fever

Frozen Fever (2015)

On Anna's birthday, Elsa and Kristoff are determined to give her the best celebration ever, but Elsa's icy powers may put more than just the party at risk.

Release Date: March 13, 2015

445 Movie Reviews
  • reading101
    reading101over 9 years
    its okay
    • swirlycool
      swirlycoolover 9 years55 popcorn
      LOVE IT! Uh oh! Looks like we got the sneezes here..... Come on Elsa! Admit you have a cold. OK OK!! I'll tell you about it.... Lets start this movie review... It's Anna's birthday! HIP HIP HOORAY! Oh no! Elsa wants it to be Anna's best birthday, but she isn't feeling that well. Elsa works hard! Her sneezes create these little snow puffs and they scatter everywhere walking and checking the place out... Kristoff and Olaf need ALOT of hands... They have to TRY to catch everyone! They try but don't think its easy... ITS HARD! Well anyways, here's a funny part, Olaf gets a piece of the cake and Elsa says "Don't eat the cake Olaf!" and Olaf says "Uh I didn't!" and puts the cake piece back on the cake... Gross and funny huh? Well here's the scary part. When Anna and Elsa are spinning around the clock Elsa almost falls! Shes feeling real bad now! Anna finds out and while their going to take Elsa back her room, the cake is held by ALOT of the puffs that Elsa sneezed out! Well thats the end! So anyways, Anna helps her sister until she gets better. I hop you enjoyed my book review! If you have NOT watched this, you should really its AWESOME!!!!!!! Enjoy!
      • Nicholas Bover 9 years
        Slick movie omg watch it with your kids
        • Nicole Bover 9 years
          Oh my God this movie was so awesome .You should watch it with your children .
          • missmarinasc
            missmarinascover 9 years
            ME MUST SEE
            • leean22
              leean22over 9 years
              • cutie360
                cutie360over 9 years
                I wish I could see it..................... HOW DO YOU SEE IT PLZ TELL ME!!!!!!! XD
                • pinkymagic
                  pinkymagicover 9 years
                  It's so funny and even if it's only 3 minutes,i enjoyed it alot
                  • jinkim0808
                    jinkim0808over 9 years
                    I watched this movie. It is better than the first one.
                    • ciarasmagnet
                      ciarasmagnetover 9 years
                      not as good as the first one but still good