Dora and the Lost City of Gold

Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)

Dora, a girl who has spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, now must navigate her most dangerous adventure yet: high school. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots (her best friend, a monkey), Diego, and a rag tag group of teens on an adventure to save her parents and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost Inca civilization.

Release Date: August 9, 2019

157 Movie Reviews
  • effie302
    effie302almost 5 years
    I've watched this on plane traveling somewhere...... but its was super cool1 I recommend!
    • Irshad Khan almost 5 years
      So funny movie
      • juzybeja-157462515463
        juzybeja-157462515463almost 5 years55 popcorn
        That movie is amazing. Even though it is based on Dora The Explorer, and i'm 10 so far. This movie is nothing like Dora and Boots. It is so interesting. First thing you know, you have questions, like me. The first part of the movie, was when Dora and Diego were kids and they were so wild and always played with each other. Diego changed so much. Not Dora, not at all. Anyway, in the middle of the movie it was a horrible betrayal. The man that was "Helping Dora and her Classmates, were actually evil. He followed along with Dora and the others. He made it in to the city of Gold and let the others do all the work. Before I saw that scene, I didn't even know he was evil. also at a point in the movie Dora came up with a really funny dance. One more thing, even though the kids almost died... the adventures were the best part. #Dora And The Lost City Of Gold -Kenadie
        • REEMA almost 5 years
          I think this movie is awsome
          • cream
            creamalmost 5 years55 popcorn
            I love adventurer movies and i really loved this one . It was thrilling and fun. It is a good movie.
            • ohiostaterules
              ohiostaterulesabout 5 years55 popcorn
              this movie is very funny and cute.
              • sreadergirl
                sreadergirlabout 5 years55 popcorn
                I really liked this movie and even though its Dora its not like the cartoon Dora because i remember watching the dora show with my sister when she was young and after a while i tought it was annoying. but in the movie they make fun of the dora show.
                • erpandareader
                  erpandareaderabout 5 years55 popcorn
                  it was hilarious and really funny.
                  • Fatimaabout 5 years
                    This movie is AWESOME EXPLORER!
                    • chlochloabout 5 years
                      this is a good movie