
Divergent (2014)

In a world divided into factions based on personality types, Tris learns that she's been classified as Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late.

Directors: Neil Burger

Cast: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet, Ansel Elgort, and Ray Stevenson

Release Date: March 21, 2014

421 Movie Reviews
  • obie
    obieover 10 years
    i got these movie at home it rocks they should make part two
    • itz_juz_aisha
      itz_juz_aishaover 10 years
      • rockin
        rockinover 10 years
        Awesome, interesting movie, but sad in the 4 book, because she.......well if i tell you it will spoil it, but reply and follow me and i will tell you.
        • skyeover 10 years
          cat wait till insurgent comes out
          • skyeover 10 years
            I own this movie and I watched it like 6000 times it never gets old
            • keirkeir17
              keirkeir17about 10 years55 popcorn
              I do that to my parents hates it when I do it, I know it gets old for them.
            • everafter
              everafterover 10 years
              I liked the book better but the movie was good to
              • oceansurfer
                oceansurferover 10 years55 popcorn
                • 16isawesome
                  16isawesomeover 10 years
                  This is a VERY good movie and I would recommend it to everyone who likes action, adventure and romance.
                  • puppies44
                    puppies44over 10 years55 popcorn
                    I love this movie. It kinda has the same story line as the book. I recommend it but I always prefer the book over the movie.
                    • puppies44
                      puppies44over 10 years55 popcorn
                      I love this movie. It kinda has the same story line as the book. I recommend it but I always prefer the book over the movie.