Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017)

Based on the bestselling book series, this outrageous comedy tells the story of George and Harold, two overly imaginative pranksters who hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s an enthusiastic, yet dimwitted, superhero named Captain Underpants.

Release Date: June 2, 2017

146 Movie Reviews
  • Rashawnmiles2almost 7 years
    how do you watch the movie
    • thatredheadxd
      thatredheadxdalmost 7 years55 popcorn
      HILARIOUS!!! I've watched it, like, 10 times!
      • dqc10
        dqc10almost 7 years55 popcorn
        It's about Harlod and George knowing how to turn Principle Khupp into Captain Underpant. But they have a big boss name "Poopypant".
        • wolfslicer
          wolfslicerabout 7 years
          you should wacth this move
          • Audrey45about 7 years
            my opinion on this movie is that it is owsom and sily at the same time i cant bilive how the prinsible got pours one of a sudin and how that toy ring worked for real and how they where playing with the prinsible you should watch this movie
            • super loverabout 7 years
              i think this movie is great for kids cus it has a lot of funny jokes and i like when it says tra la la and captin under pants is the mean princible but the tow kids turn him intil captin under pants and i also like wen he thinkdnhe is flying but he is acuttly not flying he is in a elavator and wen captin underpants comes back like the old mean princible and wen it was one day of a show a kid that was mean joyed mean old princible and he was showing a aletric toilet and the tow kids opeed the back of the toilet cus the sneaked but they got cout cus thir was a green tutule and inside the green turtule thir was a camara and it was tking vidio of them and the next day they send the tow kids to the mean old pricible office and the kid showed the vidio to them and then the mean old princibe told them i am goin to put ypu in diffrent classes and then they imagend and then they sighed the paoer and sed goodbye and they were so sad the end
              • neonjolteon
                neonjolteonabout 7 years55 popcornFeatured
                ok so before you go replying "but this movie is so juvenile only 6 year olds would watch it" hear me out i LOVE this movie its funny but has its serious moments has a lot of juvenile jokes but pulls them off at the right time i will admit the plot was a little all over the place though at first it was *SPOILER ALERT* first guy: "oh lets make the plot them hypnotizing mr. krupp" other guy: "ok but i want them to be beating up a giant toilet in the same movie" first guy: "ok but we can't have both of our plots in the same movie" other guy: "eh it'll probably work out". and did and its nice to see movie makers actually have fun making a movie if you see this movie you would be suprised how much fun you would have with the movie as well overall this movie is great the scripting is amazing the voice acting is just how i pictured their voices its everything you could want in a captian underpants movie if you've been a fan of the books like me
                • sharkey about 7 years
                  lol lol lol
                  • ???????????????about 7 years
                    this show is awsome
                    • captainjack
                      captainjackabout 7 years11 popcorn
                      This movie was not good, PICK A PLOT!!!