Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Follow the adventures of Belle, a bright young woman who finds herself in the castle of a prince who's been turned into a mysterious beast. With the help of the castle's enchanted staff, Belle soon learns the most important lesson of all -- that true beauty comes from within.

Directors: Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise

Cast: Paige O'Hara, Robby Benson, Richard White, Jerry Orbach, and David Ogden Stiers

Release Date: September 29, 1991

41 Movie Reviews
  • princess85
    princess85almost 10 years55 popcorn
    It was so interesting!it was also so lovely!!!!!!!🌹
    • luvscience
      luvsciencealmost 10 years55 popcorn
      Another great disney movie, another movie I loved. All the disney movies are spectacular! You must watch them all, no matter what age you are!
      • charlottem3149
        charlottem3149over 10 years
        I remember watching this when I was little.😇
        • charlottem3149
          charlottem3149over 10 years
          I remember watching this when I was litte.😇
          • jinxshadow
            jinxshadowover 10 years
            I'm a big fan on this movie but when I got on youtube I found something like beauty and the beast I can't finsh it because to much work
            • athleticamazin
              athleticamazinalmost 11 years55 popcorn
              If you are a girl, Beauty and the Beast is another Disney classic princess film that you must watch! The theme of don't judge a book by its cover is shown clearly in this classic movie.
              • neoncat
                neoncatabout 11 years55 popcorn
                Always a classic :)
                • felicisowl
                  felicisowlover 9 years
                  I really, really love this movie too! And, yes, it's a classic, as well as Lion King, Tarzan, Aladdin, and more... I miss the old hand-drawn animated films instead of CGI... I mean... CGI can help, but I just love how MAGICAL and HEART-FELT a hand-drawn film feels..
                • awesome_kid
                  awesome_kidabout 11 years11 popcorn
                  I didn't really like this movie. I thought that it was kind of cheesy with it having the perfect ending like alot of disney movies.
                • lorde
                  lordeabout 11 years55 popcorn
                  I have watched it for as long as I could rember.
                  • kayasam
                    kayasamover 11 years55 popcorn
                    okay,the romance part didn't make my top favorite parts of the movie but other than that,well,totally awesome!!!!