
Avatar (2009)

In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission, but becomes torn between following orders and protecting an alien civilization.

Directors: James Cameron

Cast: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, and Michelle Rodriguez

Release Date: December 18, 2009

223 Movie Reviews
  • cashthegamer342about 6 years
    this movie is really good i have seen it many times
    • cashthegamer342about 6 years
      this movie is really good i have seen it many times.
      • cookie monster over 6 years
        this movie was asome I have it
        • hay_cutie
          hay_cutieover 6 years
          I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
          • Golden halloweeover 6 years
            • readingtwinsies
              readingtwinsiesover 6 years55 popcorn
              Avatar is amazingly amazing!! This movie had me on the edge of my seat for it’s whole duration! Ok, to tell the truth, I jumped around on the couch for the whole movie. Avatar is unique, fantastical, majestic and has so much action. Must watch!
              • beast4756over 6 years
                its amazing the best
                • hiimcool
                  hiimcoolover 6 years55 popcorn
                  This movie is really good movie for us>
                  • Kare_Bearover 6 years
                    I love this movie , i didn't see it when came out but i do remember this movie , one of the good old classics
                    • style_sofiayt
                      style_sofiaytover 6 years55 popcorn
                      I remember Avatar like it was yesterday. Okaaay, maybe not. But its a story about an thing that left former military John (was that his name?) feeling like a new person. Imagine being in a wheelchair but being able to walk again. Imagine meeting the love of your life. Imagine the guy you trusted the most tries to kill you, and your friends. Imagine saving someone you barely know... and that someone hates your guts. Imagine being free for once. I'm gonna give y'all a warning though. AVATAR (2006) is rated PG 13. It has a lot of action and cussing. Make sure you are at a maturing age to watching this movie. I was 9 when i watched this, and it was a great movie and i recommend this to all, but im warning you. Anyone UNDER 7 should not watch this. If you are UNDER 5, you shouldn't even attempt to watch the trailer. Bye ;)