An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong

An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong (2009)

Rated G 91 min - Drama Family
A fourth grader and her friends deal with bullying from a more popular girl in their class.

Directors: Martha Coolidge

Cast: Ashley Ausburn, Ariela Barer, Timothy Bottoms, Don Franklin, and Annabeth Gish

Release Date: January 5, 2009

10 Movie Reviews
  • Sweetie pie over 7 years
    I like it. But it has bullies I hate them. But there ok
    • Sweetie pieover 7 years
      I think ist cool but I hate. Bullies and there mean
      • 2002hotchick13
        2002hotchick13about 9 years33 popcorn
        This is ok... It could have had better acting or lines.
        • bruhhhh
          bruhhhhover 10 years
          I like this movie its really funny and its about this girl who gets bullied by these 3girls then one of the girls want to be her friend with this homeless girl and she tried talking to them but it never worked until a class project they had to do in school and it was about bulling and the girls were split separate and then one of the major/ the boss of the other girls understood that bulling we not a good thing to do. She apolygized and was nice to every body that she has been mean to before.
          • swagcat75
            swagcat75almost 11 years55 popcorn
            my fav american girl movie is this one !! :):)
            • twizzlerag
              twizzleragalmost 11 years55 popcorn
              I hope nothing like that happens at my school!
              • allaboutmeep
                allaboutmeepalmost 11 years55 popcorn
                ONE word great funny oh ... wait thats 2 lol
                • alpre
                  alprealmost 11 years55 popcorn
                  It's a good movie about a girl that moves to a new school and she get's bullyied and it's about her adventure to find a way to stand strong pleaase watch!!!!!!!!
                  • coolgirl01
                    coolgirl01over 11 years
                    Its about a girl named Chrissa who gets bullied by 3 girls soon 2 and they keep a bullying her and maes her hate school and her favorite things but then she makes friends with 2 girls named Gwen and Sonail and they try to get away and ignore the bullying until it gets way to far and is a great movie!!
                    • allid
                      allidover 11 years55 popcorn
                      It is a classic movie. It can be for boys girls, and is a great family movie. It is about a girl being bullied. It teaches you how to stand up and speak up for your self. It is a must. I loved it and give it total recommendation