8-Bit Christmas (2021)
In suburban Chicago during the late 1980s, ten-year-old Jake Doyle embarks on a herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
Release Date: November 24, 2021
3 Movie Reviews
- This movie is an amazing heartfelt movie! Its also one of the most funniest Christmas Movies ever! 😂 Its set in the 80's Its about ten-year-old Jake Doyle who more than anything wants a Nintendo for Christmas! But the parents have started a uprising! They say "Videos games are destroying kids brains" There's no chance he'll get a Nintendo now! So him and his friends set up a master plan... I absolutely recommend this movie! For any age its hilarious!! Happy Watching!
- I loved this movie it is very good
- I think this is funny. He just wants a game 😂