gummybear09's Activity (2140)

  • applemango
    applemango added a news bookmark.
    A mirror coated in red paint, a banana stuck to the wall with duct tape, and an invisible sculpture — these are just a few of the abstract artworks that have recently sold for a...
    Over 2 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango added a news bookmark.
    For most Americans, fall is synonymous with pumpkins.  Some use the fruit to make delicious soups and bread, others to carve out scary jack-o-lanterns. Then there are those that...
    Over 2 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango added a news bookmark.
    The infamous Salem witch trials, which took place in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693, were a dark period in America's legal history.  More than 200 people were wron...
    Over 2 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango replied to a comment in
    Happy Birthday!!! Best wishes to you!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango added a new comment in
    Just looking at this book makes my heart pound, it is the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2022!!! I am so excited about this book, and if I win it, I will be sure to share fun facts with my friends and family to cheer them up during this hard pandemic! It would mean the world to me. Thank you, DOGO!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemangois now following 5000unicorns.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemangois now following roxanne3.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemangois now following sokeefe_forever.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango added a new comment in
    I would love to win this book because I have recently become fascinated by dinosaurs. These animals of the past are definitely a topic of interest for all! I would love to share these dino-mite facts with my family and friends! Thank you for this opportunity!
    About 3 years ago
  • applemango
    applemango added a new comment in
    Hello! Nice to be back on DOGO after a pretty long absence :( I have only 2 days of school left! Yay summer! What have you guys been reading recently? I have been fascinated by John Adams (author: David McCullough)! When you read this book, you are in the shoes of Adams. I realized that some figures are not as revolutionary as they seem! Adams has a very humane aspect and it's interesting how he always observes. I herbly proclaim John Adams as one of the masterminds of the world. His greatest works and expressions, in my opinion, lie in his letters. Please reply on what books you recommend over the summer!
    About 3 years ago

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